HU Travellers Meeting Virginia 2020

It's All About Overland Adventure

Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...

Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.
HU VA 2019

Inspiring, Informing & Connecting

Some people value Horizons Unlimited events for what they learn from the unique line-up of presenters. Some people value the chance to discover new products and services at the trade stands. Some people value just kicking back with a beer among old friends and new.

Most people enjoy a little bit of everything, and everyone goes home fired-up for adventure with a smile on their face.

The event will include a packed schedule of presentations and activities. All within the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that Horizons Unlimited is known for.

There will be presentations and tech clinics on Thursday afternoon and evening and Friday and Saturday mornings, afternoons, and evenings. We will offer self-guided ride-outs for you to take at your leisure. Come early and make it a great weekend! We recommend riding in on Thursday and leaving on Sunday, and participating fully in the activities in between to make the most of your HU experience.

Throughout the meeting, we'll offer talks, demonstrations, and other fun sessions, including interesting ride-out opportunities. In addition to hearing inspiring stories of overland adventure from around the world, you'll learn how to prepare for your journey, navigation tips, first-aid basics, photography, and a host of other essential topics.

Presenters at HU Virginia 2020 so far...

• Nomad Katia - A solo journey from Rio-Ushuaia-Tuk that shifted direction in Peru. Nevertheless, the riding must go on.
• Terry and Sooz's Travels - Susie and Terry spent 5 weeks touring 7 countries of the Balkans on a rental motorcycle with no lodging reservations in advance.
• Curtis (Kurt) Nugent - Four-month trip to Mexico and the American West
• Sharon Faith - She took a Craigslist DRZ400 on a swooping adv from OR to FL via Baja+Mexico. And 5,000 miles thru Europe + a few big-city traffic scares.

And much more!

For more details and registration, please go to:

Event Properties

Event Date 04-23-2020
Event End Date 04-26-2020
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Starting from $85
Location Holiday Lake 4-H Center and Camp

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map