Featured Ride Reports

Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meeting: West Australia

The event is taking place from Friday 5 Apr to Sunday 7 Apr at Yourdamung Rd Retreat in Collie, WA. This great new venue is perfect for riding, and there'll be lots of that on the weekend!

Arrive on Thursday to be ready for activities on Friday morning. Camping is available Thursday night, but no activities or meals provided on Thursday night or Friday morning.

Starting Friday morning, continuing Saturday and Sunday, there will be rider training, talks and workshops, ride-outs and skills challenges. Evening entertainment will consist of talks and travel films.

Learn more by visiting HorizonsUnlimited.com!

Event Properties

Event Date 04-05-2019 12:00 pm
Event End Date 04-07-2019 12:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price $55-$75
Location Yourdamung Retreat

Location Map