Featured Ride Reports

Sam Manicom at ADVMotoTech Glendale, CA

Africa? Have you ever wondered what it’s like to ride a motorcycle the length of this continent? Have you worried about what will happen if something goes wrong, big time?

Would you want to travel through a continent that has the reputation for being dark and dangerous, with a man with this track record? He fell off so many times he stopped counting - Shot at twice – Arrested 3 times – 17 bone fracture accident and so the list goes on. Perhaps you already think it’s lived up to its reputation with this description alone...

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But is it really a dark and dangerous continent? Perhaps actually it's dangerous in another way? This is a story of risking all and the adventures that follow.

Come and join us all for a full evening at AdvMotoTech in Glendale, California, just to the north of Los Angeles. There will be some surprises in store!

7.30pm for an 8pm start – Please book in online so ADVMotoTech can organise the surprise refreshments!

For more information, CLICK HERE!

Event Properties

Event Date 06-17-2017 7:00 pm
Event End Date 06-17-2017 10:00 pm
Capacity 60
Individual Price Free!
Location Glendale, CA

Location Map